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A growing body of research indicates the impact that Khan Academy’s personalized mastery learning has on driving learning outcomes.

Learning outcomes exceed typical growth.


Students perform better than expected on district established targets.

In partnership with Long Beach Unified School District in Southern California, 5,348 middle school mathematics students used Khan Academy integrated into instruction for 1 class period per week. Students who used Khan gained an additional 22 points (.20 ES) on the Smarter Balanced Mathematics Assessment scale score. The district indicates this is roughly 2x the district target versus those who did not use Khan Academy.

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Students who complete 60% or more of their grade-level math on Khan Academy experienced 1.8 times their expected growth on the mathematics portion of the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment, a widely used test.

FSG conducted a study of a statewide pilot of Khan Academy in Idaho with 173 teachers and 10,500 students during the 2013-14 school year.

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SRI International

Use of Khan Academy was positively associated with better than predicted test scores, lower math anxiety, and higher confidence in one’s ability to do math.

SRI International conducted a two-year study with 20 public, private, and charter schools; 70 teachers; and 2000 students during the 2012-13 school year.

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“I love that Khan Academy shows you your errors. It really helped me in understanding words in context; it really broke it down for me. With the PSAT/NMSQT score I doubted myself, but my teachers showed me with Khan Academy I could do it. If it wasn’t for Khan Academy, I wouldn’t have access to SAT practice at all. It’s a godsend!”

—Tatiana, a senior at Oak Ridge High School in Orlando, Florida
Cartoon of Khan website on laptop with books and apple.

Students who prepare using Official SAT Practice see substantial improvement in their SAT scores.


6 or more hours with a best practice is associated with an average 39-point increase in SAT scores

In 2019 we analyzed the association between the use of Official SAT Practice and SAT scores from approximately 545,000 SAT test-takers from the class of 2019. In the study we identify three best practices -- leveling up skills, completing a full-length practice exam, and following personalized practice recommendations. Students who used Official SAT Practice for six or more hours and engaged in at least one best practice scored 39 points more, from PSAT/NMSQT® to the first SAT, than students who did not use Official SAT Practice (a .20 effect size). Score increases hold true regardless of demographic characteristics.

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Cartoon of a multiple choice test with a book and pen.

Khan Academy is the leading online learning resource used and trusted by US teachers and students.

of teachers and students who have used Khan Academy report it is an effective learning resource, more than any other core curriculum online learning resource.
of first and second year college students who have used Khan Academy say it has helped them prepare for college.
of teachers find Khan Academy trustworthy.
Source: 2018 ConStat U.S. Online Education Customer Survey of 1,503 respondents

“For all the times I couldn’t turn to my parents for homework help, I had Khan Academy videos to help me. Khan Academy was the private tutor that my family could not afford. For all the times I wanted to learn for the sake of learning, I would pick from the hundreds of Khan Academy videos.”


Khan Academy college users have higher mathematics course grades.


Practice time and mastery on Khan Academy positively associated with increased Accuplacer algebra test scores and higher course pass rates.

The New England Board of Higher Education conducted a two-year study of Khan Academy with 1,226 students in developmental math classes at 12 community colleges in five states.

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Results span countries.

Cartoon of globe atlas with books.

An additional .19 school years in math gained through the integration of Khan Academy into mathematics instruction in El Salvador.

Researchers from the University of Bern and Swiss non-profit association Consciente teamed up to evaluate the effect of Khan Academy in a randomized control trial with about 3500 primary school students and their teachers.

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Using Khan Academy produces a higher positive effect on student math performance than comparison groups. Students using Khan Academy had an average increase of 10 percentage points in math, double the points produced by a traditional program.

MANAUS, an independent research organization, conducted an evaluation of the Sergio Paiz Andrade Foundation’s (Funsepa) 2015 Khan Academy pilot program with 206 teachers and 2,356 students in Sacatepéquez, Guatemala.

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30% more learning for fifth graders using Khan Academy integrated into mathematics instruction.

The Lemann Foundation’s Innovation in Schools Project supported teachers' implementation of Khan Academy for one hour per week in 143 public schools in Brazil during the 2015 school year.

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Khan Academy supports Sri Lankan students in mathematics. Significant score increases (.20 ES) on a standardized mathematics assessment.

Independent researchers conducted a study with 632 grade 9 students in Sri Lanka. Students used Khan Academy videos as a supplement to their classroom mathematics instruction during the 2014 school year.

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